Are You Dragon Obsessed?

It’s that time again, but this week on Dragon Tip Tuesday I decided to switch it up a bit and share a helpful list with you.

 How to Tell You’ve Become DRAGON OBSESSED:

1. You watch the How to Train Your Dragon movies, even when the kids aren’t around.
2. You believe Smaug, from The Hobbit, might be your soul mate.
3. You’re certain you absolutely NEED another dragon tattoo.
4. Scaly skin is NOT a turn off for you.
5. You ask Santa each year to bring you a dragon-shifter boyfriend for Christmas. (He never listens.)
6. You wake up each morning with the secret hope that a mad scientist has unleashed a virus called Dragon-shifter-itis, and all the men in your vicinity are infected.


Soundtrack for Fury of Obsession


The Difficulty with Earth Dragons